ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 27. maijs

New summery items @ wowowo

hey hey
here are two new summary items available at wowowo store

1) LADY GAGA vintage sunglasses

2) RAD colorful tricot/swimsuit as Kelly and Lisa would wear it in Saved by the bell

svētdiena, 2010. gada 23. maijs


these are the style pages we did for veto 15th issue. now you can guess how we did them..

style and text: jūlija kazule
make-up:anete salinieka
model: māra kampernova, dandy
photo:nils vilnis

piektdiena, 2010. gada 21. maijs

neon lights

the weird girls project have done smth similar we did for veto magazine

i guess that neon lights have become trendy.

trešdiena, 2010. gada 19. maijs

vogue italia

loving these pages of vogue italia

Veto Magazine *15

the new issue of Veto Magazine has hit the stores.

more pictures of styling pages coming soon.

pirmdiena, 2010. gada 17. maijs


for the finals of "okartes akademija" i dressed mareks and his friends, saipo, made and also part of samanta (her shoes). i must say it couldn't end any better.

sestdiena, 2010. gada 15. maijs

i heart hearts

i was caught by sockbox yesterday when i was delivering new issue of veto magazine (coming soon) to them. more of socks and tights here

trešdiena, 2010. gada 12. maijs

live of famous people

my boyfriend's grandma found that my picture is in the magazine "zhiznj znamenjitah ljudeij" (life of famous people) :D

here it is

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 6. maijs


yo yo
you can find new accessories at the wowowo store for the best prices:

cute mix of bracelets

beautiful airy scarf


last week i dressed mr.saipo and mr.mareks kolats.
only 2 concerts left!! my absolute favorite is samanta.

sestdiena, 2010. gada 1. maijs


new items have hi the wowowo store on etsy. i must say,that most of them are very flowery and springy and summary. check it out!!

80s leather jacket

flower belt

amazing dress

snake clutch

flower mini skirt